Energy Transition – Consumer (Co-)Ownership in Renewable Energy
Description Consumer (co-)ownership in renewable energy (RE) is essential to the overall success of Energy Transition. In June 2018, the European Union agreed on a corresponding enabling framework as part […]
Implementing a just renewable energy transition: Policy advice for transposing the new European rules for renewable energy communities
Written by Christina E. Hoicka, Jens Lowitzsch, Marie Claire Brisbois, Ankit Kumar, Luis Ramirez Camargo.
The article was published in Energy Policy 156 (2021) 11243.
Investing in a Renewable Future – Renewable Energy Communities, Consumer (Co-) Ownership and Energy Sharing in the Clean Energy Package.
Written by Jens Lowitzsch. The article was published in European Energy & Climate Journal, 9, 2020.
Empowering Vulnerable Consumers to Join Renewable Energy Communities—Towards an Inclusive Design of the Clean Energy Package
Written by Jens Lowitzsch. The article was published in Energies 2020, 13.
Renewable energy communities under the 2019 European Clean Energy Package – Governance model for the energy clusters of the future?
Written by Jens Lowitzsch, Christina E. Hoicka, Felicia van Tulder. The article was published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 122 (2020).
Energy Transition: Financing Consumer Co-Ownership in Renewables—18 Country Studies and a Comparative Analysis
Written by Jens Lowitzsch (Editor). Published in Palgrave Macmillan.