An Empirical Approach to Differences in Flexible Electricity Consumption Behaviour of Urban and Rural Populations— Lessons Learned in Germany
Written by Lucas Roth, Özgür Yildiz, Jens Lowitzsch. The article was published in Sustainability, August 2021, 13, 9028.
An Empirical Study of How Household Energy Consumption Is Affected by Co-Owning Different Technological Means to Produce Renewable Energy and the Production Purpose
Written by Lucas Roth, Jens Lowitzsch, Özgür Yildiz. The article was published in Energies, July 2021, 14, 3996.
Investing in a Renewable Future – Renewable Energy Communities, Consumer (Co-) Ownership and Energy Sharing in the Clean Energy Package.
Written by Jens Lowitzsch. The article was published in European Energy & Climate Journal, 9, 2020.
Consumer (Co-)Ownership in Renewables, Energy Efficiency and the Fight Against Energy Poverty – a Dilemma of Energy Transitions
Written by Jens Lowitzsch. The article was published in Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review (RELP), 9, 3, 2019, S. 5-21.
Does (Co-)ownership in renewables matter for an electricity consumer’s demand flexibility? Empirical evidence from Germany
Written by Lucas Roth, Jens Lowitzsch, Özgür Yildiz, Alban Hashani. The article was published in Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 46, Dec 2018, Pages 169-182.